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  • Druk: 2016

  • Autor: Anna Urbańska

  • Wydawca: Centrum Edukacyjno Consultingowe CONCRET Anna Urbańska

  • Formaty:
    Znak wodny czyli Watermark to zaszyfrowana informacja o użytkowniku, który zakupił produkt. Dzięki temu łatwo jest zidentyfikować użytkownika, który rozpowszechnił produkt w sposób niezgodny z prawem. Ten rodzaj zabezpieczenia jest zdecydowanie najbardziej przyjazny dla użytkownika, ponieważ aby otworzyć książkę zabezpieczoną Watermarkiem nie jest potrzebne konto Adobe ID oraz autoryzacja urządzenia.

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Rok wydania
Cena katalogowa: 35,00 zł
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Dostępność: online po opłaceniu
Produkt elektroniczny Plik do pobrania po realizacji zamówienia


To e-book w języku angielskim!

I’m terrified when ‘just a little bit public’, or, let’s say, ‘kind of recognizable’ people present themselves only in a good light.
They are perfect.
They don’t encounter difficult issues, challenges or bad times.
Why do some of us claim that their lives are full of neverending success, and all of their experiences are wonderful?
Does it make you weak to admit that you have weaknesses?
I believe in truth.
I believe in authenticity.
I believe in being yourself.
Not everyone acts like this, though…
Why aren’t we authentic?
Read ‘Time for Authenticity’ and find out.
This book is a reflection of how its author has been feeling like since many years. It is a reflection of how she is bothered by idealized reality: the one that surrounds us in magazines, on television and online. Is it authentic there? And, consequently, what is the purpose of this book? It’s not about fixing the world. The author does not intend to propagate her beliefs or to tell you how to lead your life.
This book is about a freaking difficult issue. It’s about the truth.
It’s about the courage to be yourself. It will make you realize why it feels so bad to meet other people’s expectations while forgetting what really matters to you. It is a collection of thoughts, opinions, conclusions and experiences which will show you how hard it is to be true to yourself, or even how hard it is to have courage…to be authentic.
If you are not ready for it, let it go and leave this book where you found it. Because being an authentic person has consequences… If there is one person on this planet who will open to authenticity after reading this book, it will mean it was worth writing it.
We hope you will let yourself be who you are and live the way you want to live. Because you have the full right to do so!
Throughout this book you will meet extraordinary Heros and Heroins: Krystyna Mazurówna, Alex Barszczewski or Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska. You will get to know their stories, desires and dreams, as well as difficult parts of their lives. You will get to know…their authenticity.
Let’s start this journey together!

Who is the author?


Anna Urbanska is a Master Trainer of the STRUCTOGRAM, i.e. a methodology which, by using the knowledge of brain genetics, helps people sell, manage and thrive in relationships with others and with themselves more effectively. They say it ‘colours’ brains.
Her passion is personal development and discovering human potential, and her mission is propagating the idea behind the STRUCTOGRAM. Over 20 thousand people have participated in her training programs and coaching sessions so far. As a result, they successfully achieve their goals, and their lives are filled with fulfillment and passion.
Anna gains knowledge during trainings conducted by Mentors such as Anthony Robbins, Blair Singer or Brian Tracy. What’s more, she works both with the largest international companies like Citibank, DHL, Oracle or Deutsche Bank and with smaller, local businesses.
She has been an entrepreneuse for 22 years. She is the owner of a training company called CONCRET, as well as the vice-president and partner of the Colin Rose Institute – one of the most dynamically developing language schools which used to be a bankrupt company and then turned into a franchise network of 35 schools across Poland.
Anna is one of the few world’s neurocoaches.
She holds 6 post-graduate degrees and is a university lecturer.
She is the author of 8 books and the co-author of 3 self-help books, a comic book and a charity book project for cat lovers.


Anna is a happy woman, a mom of an adult son and Goral’s wife. She loves cats and their lifestyle. She feels like a woman every day, especially when she wonders what to wear or when she tries to find keys in her handbag. She is a boss who sometimes is too soft for her team.

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